Flannen Family

The two Flannen brothers, Rowland and Murdoch, had established themselves well. Although Rowland died shortly after the move to Silvetia, he left behind him a wife, 2 sons, and a daughter.

Murdoch’s wife Amoura never bore him a child, but they adopted a young red-headed boy named Charlie to become heir to their property.

After Amoura’s death, Murdoch actually fathered two daughters through the king’s servant Asha, and despite his best efforts to deny the matter, most of the kingdom knew Murdoch was the father.

Owing to the fact that she was beautiful and the only woman of elegible age, Pallace, Rowland and Lyric’s daughter, found herself betrothed to Lord Tarun Kristoger, the heir to the only noble family in Silvetia. Being a merchant’s daughter with little formal education, Pallace was unsure was to how a noble household should be run. Her future husband paided for her to attend a university nearby, so that she could develop the skills needed to run her household.

Pallace’s brother, Sigmund, was the eldest son and inherited his father’s property and business. Laec, the youngest child, moved out as soon as he was of age to start his own business. Sigmund, with his mother’s urging, he married an attractive young woman named Elise.

Elise was mild-mannered and calm. She helped Lyric around the house without complaint and soon became a wonderful cook. Finally, after much trying, Elise found herself with child. Innes Flannen, Sigmund’s first daughter, was finally born late one evening.

Sigmund was the happiest man in Silvetia that day. For weeks afterwards, every patron to his tailor shop had to listen to the merchant boast of his daughter. He was so proud.

Then his wife became pregnant again and Sigmund almost danced around for joy. His beautiful wife is expecting again. Everyone in the kingdom heard of it. Then there was a shock.

Elise miscarried her little baby. She was inconsolable for weeks afterwards, thinking of the life she should have brought into the world. Sigmund was heartbroken as well, wishing he could have done something to help the baby survive. Eventually, they began to try again. Elise was barely beginning to show her pregnancy when she miscarried again.

It took almost a year before the couple had the heart to try again. Sigmund insisted that Elise rest as much as possible as soon as she thought she may have another life growing inside of her. Innes was old enough now to help her grandmother Lyric keep house, so there would be no need for Elise to do anything.

Months passed, and Elise’s belly grew. The whole family felt like holding their breath around her. Would this child survive?

NOTE: I have the Inteenimater downloaded for my game, which is the reason Elise had her miscarriages. Definitely makes playing a challenge sometimes. 😀


Murdoch stood outside his home and business, contemplating the pickle his brother’s daughter had put him in. He had been planning on having his son Charlie marry Pallace, but the young Lord Kristoger had recently annouced that Pallace was to be his bride. That left only Mairi, the peasant girl. She was the only other young woman he knew of that was of similar age to his adopted son. However, Murdoch would not stand to see his heir marry the lower class. Let the King and Lord Kristoger marry from lesser classes! Murdoch Flannen had standards!

Gradually, Murdoch noticed that a young woman was walking up the path towards his home.

She was a young, slender, dark-haired beauty, and suddenly Murdoch recognized her. “Katelyn? You’re a long way from the old kingdom! Where are your parents?” Much to Murdoch’s surprise, the girl burst into tears.

Katelyn’s father had been one of Murdoch’s best friends before the move to Silvetia. He had been planning on moving his family to Silvetia with the others, but his wife had fallen ill and they’d stayed behind in order for her to recover.

Katelyn sobbed out her story to a stunned Murdoch. Her mother had not recovered and had soon passed out of this life, and then her father had fallen ill as well. Katelyn did everything she could to help him, but she was too young to run the family business and their family money was soon spent on healers who’s potions did nothing. Katelyn’s father died also, and she found herself shuffled between an aging grandmother who forgot who she was half the time, and an angry uncle who didn’t want “no pampered slip of a girl” around. Finally, she could stand it no longer and heard that Murdoch had settled in Silvetia. Since her father had been Murdoch’s good friend, she hoped he could help her. She undertook the long trip to Silvetia to find him.

Knowing how far she’d come, Murdoch could not turn the girl down. He took her inside for food and rest, telling her she could stay with him and his son and work for them until another opportunity presented itself.

Charlie was relieved to hear of the young woman who would be living with them. Since Amoura died, it had been up to Murdoch and Charlie to feed the patrons in their tavern. Charlie was not much of a cook. The news of a woman who could cook pleased the young man to no end.

A few days later, Murdoch came up with the answer to his problem and Katelyn’s problem. “I found a wife for you,” he told his son one morning.

Charlie stared at him for a moment. “But… I don’t…”

“No ‘buts’, boy. You need a wife. You can’t run this place yourself and I won’t see my property go to ruin because you don’t have an heir to run it. You’ll marry Katelyn and the all my troubles will be solved.”

“MARRY KATELYN! Father, you jest! I don’t want to marry that waif!”

“There’s no one else in Silvetia that I would have you marry, and the fates haven’t been kind to Katelyn. She’s from a good family in the old kingdom. She needs a husband. You need a wife. No discussion.”

Charlie stormed out of the room, furious at his father’s sudden rule, but powerless to do anything more. He knew that there would be no besting Murdoch in a battle of wills.

Katelyn wasn’t pleased with the arrangement either. She didn’t not love Charlie. She found him arrogant and ill-mannered, but what choice did she have? Head back to the old kingdom, to an uncle who hated her and a grandmother who forgot her? Hope to find another man here in Silvetia who would take an orphaned young woman with no dowry? She had no choice.

Their wedding took place a few weeks later, at Murdoch’s insistance. He left the running of the tavern to his son, and spent most of his time drinking ale and playing cards with the other patrons. It didn’t take long before Katelyn found herself with child. Murdoch was pleased with the news of his soon-to-be grandchild, but he died before the child came into the world.

Katelyn hoped that her husband would love her, now that she had born him a son and heir, but Charlie mostly ignored her and young Adair, only giving Katelyn attention when he wanted to pleasure himself. It wasn’t long before Katelyn found herself expecting again.

She knew the arrival of a second child would not gain love from her husband, since the first had not done so. With a heavy heart, Katelyn when throughout her days, caring for Adair as best she could, and keeping the tavern in good, running order.

Will Sigmund and Elise Flannen succeed in having a second child? Will it be an heir for Sigmund? Will Charlie Flannen ever show intrest in his children? Is Katelyn fated to raise them herself and live in near solitude while her husband runs his businesses?

Published in: on August 1, 2006 at 9:36 am  Comments (7)  

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7 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. That’s so sad!

  2. Poor Katelyn, but then again, back in those days, marriages were rarely out of love.
    And yes, inteen can be a ****, but it makes playing more realistic, even though I don’t think women lose their children from going hungry once, yet back in those days, I assume a lot of women miscarried without knowing it.

  3. Yeah, from what I understand, pregnancy was a much more frightening thing back then. If something went wrong, or there was a problem such as babies not being turned the right way, it could easily be fatal for mother and child.

  4. You build up the story with questions at the end,just like “SOAP” If anyone rmembers? It’s a good way to keep the interest up. Sometimes I find it hard to keep up with who is related to who, but your story are just being better and better.

    Bye for now Mia

  5. Heh, don’t worry about keeping track of who’s related to who. I have trouble keeping track of that!!! My family tree is so screwed up. Heh, if you track it right, you can actually see that the King is related to Asha’s twin girls now, through different marriages and stuff… 😛 I’ve considered making a Family Tree of sorts for this blog, so everyone can see who’s related to who.

  6. Great update! I love all the inter-related people! A family tree would be great! If you don’t want to make one yourself, you can start one at Tribalpages.com for free! It’s quick and easy and you can put pictures too! I can’t wait till your next update!

  7. I feel bad for Katelyn too. What a hard life she has had! She only wants to be loved, I think. But I suppose a husband that “only” ignores her is better than a husband that mistreats her as well.

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