Comings and Goings Among Common Folk

King Fergus could hear his wife’s yelling long before he saw what was going on. He rubbed at his head. Not again…


Published in: on August 30, 2006 at 7:44 am  Comments (2)  

Kristoger ~ Sole Noble Family

Tarun Kristoger remembered that day all to well. He’d been a teenager, preparing for his role as Lord Kristoger. His grandmother, Pamela, had been teaching him all the things a wealthy lord must know. He was happy. Then came the unthinkable.

His beloved grandmother died.

Tarun was at a loss. Here he was, not nearly ready to take on his full responsiblity, yet finding that he had no choice! Not only that, his younger brother Micha still needed to be cared for. It was a hard time for Tarun. Azhar, his older sister, was away at the university and was preparing to be married to the King. It was evident… Tarun would have to step up to his position much earlier than anticipated.


Published in: on August 18, 2006 at 6:40 am  Comments (5)  

Baby boom!

Lots of little ones were being born in Silvetia. King Fergus and Queen Azhar had welcomed the arrival of Prince Tyrone.

Downstairs in the servants quarters, Leal and Mairi Rhonwen welcomed beautiful daughter, Aris.

Dylan and Asha Aile had a daughter, Saraid.

Charlie and Katelyn Flannen celebrated the arrival of their second son, Niall (who I didn’t take a photo of…oops)

Sigmund and Elise Flannen joyously welcomed another daughter, Ulicia.

Let’s not forget the noble family, Tarun and Pallace Kristoger, who had twins (my second set of natural twins in the kingdom) Caspian and Calypso.

While everyone else has been busy having babies and such, the gypsy Jadzia Llewellyn has been raising her only child, Glyndwer, who’s father is a simple townie peasant.

Back to stories with the next update!

Published in: on August 14, 2006 at 8:37 am  Comments (3)  

Weddings for Rhonwens!

King Fergus had a strange practice, one that other kings would have found distasteful. King Fergus often invited his servants to share a meal with him. They would join him and eat at his table. King Fergus found it a good way to keep abreast with the gossip in the castle, not to mention it put him in high favor with his servants. Well, with Leal anyway. Since the incident with the Murdoch and Asha, the woman had not wanted anything to do with him. Of course, she wouldn’t pass up the chance to eat at the king’s table…


Published in: on August 8, 2006 at 8:14 am  Comments (3)  

Flannen Family

The two Flannen brothers, Rowland and Murdoch, had established themselves well. Although Rowland died shortly after the move to Silvetia, he left behind him a wife, 2 sons, and a daughter.

Murdoch’s wife Amoura never bore him a child, but they adopted a young red-headed boy named Charlie to become heir to their property.

After Amoura’s death, Murdoch actually fathered two daughters through the king’s servant Asha, and despite his best efforts to deny the matter, most of the kingdom knew Murdoch was the father.


Published in: on August 1, 2006 at 9:36 am  Comments (7)